
We are resolved to pray for, serve, and financially support Biblically faithful church plants, seminaries, and organizations committed to training qualified pastors, proclaiming sound doctrine, and evangelizing the lost.


Children's Hunger Fund

RBC is a Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) Mercy Network Church. Our partnership with CHF enables us to provide food and the Gospel to our city’s neighboorhoods. To get involved or learn more email Juan Mejorado.

Door-to-Door Evangelism

Every quarter, members of RBC come together to train to share the Gospel. At the end of each training, teams are sent out to share the Gospel in our local neighborhoods. To learn more about our evangelism ministry, please email Chris Miller.


Dr. Dave Deets - The Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL)

IBL exists to encourage and equipping spiritual leaders to apply biblical principles of godly leadership through the power of the Holy Spirit. Dave serves as the Vice President of ministries of IBL, he has oversight of IBL’s services to God’s leaders: Coaching, Consulting, Counseling, U.S. Training and International Training.  Dave also oversees IBL’s communications and social media channels. To learn more about IBL visit iblministry.org.

Brian Opre - The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE)

ABWE's vision is to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people. Brian is currently serving in Italy, where he is involved in church planting and leadership training. There is currently a church plant of about 25 people in Ancona, located on the central east coast of Italy, and Brian is actively involved in it, helping to train men for leadership roles. To learn more, visit give.abwe.org/worker/brian-opre.

Dr. Joel Tetreau - The Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL)

IBL exists to encourage and equipping spiritual leaders to apply biblical principles of godly leadership through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joel serves as the Director of U.S. Partnerships and Development, Joel has the lead role in developing these two vital ministry areas.  He utilizes his deep expertise in training, mentoring, and encouraging pastors and other leaders. To learn more about IBL visit iblministry.org.

IFCA International

IFCA International is a Fellowship of churches and believers from around the world who are committed to biblical ministry in an effort to enhance the strength of the Church by equipping for, and encouraging toward, ministry partnerships to accomplish Great Commission objectives. To learn more about IFCA International visit ifca.org.

Foundations Media

Foundations Media is a group of Christian creators who are dedicated to promoting biblical theology and applying it to daily life. They believe that the people of God can understand the word of God and aim to support local church ministries by helping to equip God’s people to grow in their knowledge of God and discern erroneous teaching. To learn more, visit foundationsmedia.org.

Alternate Calendar  upcoming events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...