We aim to equip men to fulfill their God-given roles through studying Scripture, fellowship, and intentional discipling.
Men's ministry
Men's ministry
We aim to equip men to fulfill their God-given roles through studying Scripture, fellowship, and intentional discipling.
Bacon Men's Breakfast
Four times a year, the men of Revolve gather for breakfast and a time of teaching from God's word. These events aim to equip men to deal with life's practical issues biblically through teaching and fellowship. Check below to find the next men's breakfast!
Users Discipleship Group
If you want to get to the next level in your sanctification, this group is for you! The men’s discipleship group meets once a month on the 4th Saturday in the worship center. Currently, we are working through Chris Mueller's book Let the Men Be Men: God's Design for Manhood and Marriage. Email Pastor Ben for more information.
We recognize that men don't grow in isolation, and fellowship drives accountability and encourages maturity. Because of this, we meet twice a year at events that aim to be fun and promote friendship. Make sure to check below for our upcoming events!
Alternate Calendar upcoming events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...
Do you have a question? Email Juan@revolvechurch.org