foundations: Building for the future

God is growing our church, but our current facilities limit our ability to fully live out our vision. We are dedicated to glorifying God as a Christ-centered church, committed to biblical literacy, expository preaching, and loving God and people while making disciples whose lives revolve around Jesus Christ. To build a strong foundation for the future, we must expand and upgrade our building to create a space that facilitates our mission.

What to expect

Our children's ministry has met in two suites behind our worship center for the last five years. God willing, we will now bring all our ministries under one roof!

  • Parking Lot Improvements

    • California requires the parking lot to meet all ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements.

    Expand the Worship Center

    • We will reorient the worship center to fit 60 more people and bring the total seats to two hundred. This will include moving the stage and media booth, increasing the height of the ceiling by five feet to open the space, replacing the lighting to reduce eye strain, replacing all ductwork, and soundproofing the ceiling.

    Redesign the Worship Center

    • We will redesign the worship center to make it more comfortable for our members and more inviting to visitors. The redesign includes a new sound system, updated AV components, updated HVAC units, and stage lighting.

    Expand and Remodel the Bathrooms

    • California building code requires us to increase the size of our restrooms to accommodate 200 people in the worship center. To accomplish this, we are moving the nursery and kitchen upstairs to use the existing spaces to enlarge the bathrooms.
  • Add an Elevator

    • California building code requires an elevator when classrooms are on the 2nd floor.

    Add Walls to Keep Building Occupancy Below 300 People Per Service

    • Having more than 300 people in the building at one time would require seismic retrofitting. The owner of the property is not willing to do this.

    Children’s Ministry

    • All children’s ministry classrooms will be relocated to the same place.
    • We will add a classroom to reduce the size of our classes and make them more manageable.

    The new classrooms will include:

    • A Nursing Mom's Room
    • A Nursery
    • A Preschool Classroom
    • A Kindergarten-1st Grade Classroom
    • A 2nd-3rd Grade Classroom
    • A 4th-6th Grade Classroom

    Office Space

    • Pastors Study and Counseling Room
    • An Administration Office
    • A Multipurpose Room


What We Need

The current estimate for the total project is $1,031,404

  • Security Deposit, Architectural, Design, and Permitting Fees - $70,054
  • Elevator - $315,000*
  • First and Second Floor Renovations - $646,350

We have raised $979,999** of $1,031,404

Outstanding Pledges: $35,989

The current need is $15,415.59

what you can do


  • Please join us in praying that God would provide the necessary funds to complete this project, grow our church, bring people hungry for the Word of God, and use us to plant a church by 2030.

Give Faithfully

  • Please continue or start giving regularly to support the ongoing work of the ministry. 

Give Sacrificially

  • Give a one-time gift to help with the build-out. For thousands of years, Gospel patrons have given sacrificially to help continue and further the work of the Great Commission. You can give several ways: during the Sunday morning worship service, online at for a one-time donation, or at using the Give button on the left. You must designate your offering as going towards the "Building Fund."** For DAF or stock contributions, please email

Give to the Building Fund


Can we accomplish our vision without remodeling the building?

No, we do not think so. When people join a church, they commit to giving their recourses to continue the work of the ministry. Although our people give generously, our current income is insufficient to finance a church plant. By acquiring a facility that allows us to grow with a modest increase in cost, we can take the funds from the growth and put them towards fulfilling our vision.


Do we have to do this now?

Yes, our lease for our current spaces expires in August 2024. We recently found out that our existing facilities do not meet the building code requirements for our intended use. Due to building code complications, we need to relocate from our children's ministry suites and update the conditional use permit for the worship center to comply with the building code.


Are we able to purchase a building instead of leasing?

Currently, we are unable to purchase a building. We worked with our realtor and consulted our bank and found that buying a $3 million facility is not feasible for us at this time. Banks are asking for a 30% down payment from churches, meaning we would need to raise $700,000 for the down payment and approximately $1.2 million for the build-out of a commercial space to be used for the church. We also explored the option of purchasing an existing church in our area that would meet our needs, but none were available.

Have we considered finding a new location?

Yes, but we have decided to stay where we are. Our people come from as far as San Diego, Tustin, and Lake Elsinore. Moving our location at this point would adversely affect several of our families.

How many years is the new lease?

The new lease will be 11 years.

Do we have to pay for all the tenant improvements?

No. The owner has agreed to pay for the elevator and its installation (required by the state of California), complete all necessary ADA upgrades to the parking lot and provide us with ten months' free rent to help us offset our costs.


Will this increase our monthly rent?

Yes. Our monthly rent will increase by approximately $4,500 a month. However, we have worked out a deal with the owner that will give us 10 months once the expansion is completed before the increase takes effect.


Do the design concepts represent what the final project will look like?

Yes and no. Our design team utilized the architect's plans to develop the design, and the concept drawings provided a general idea of what the space might look like. We might need to adjust the design during construction to better meet our requirements.


How long will it take for the improvements to be completed?

Construction began in February 2024, and the current estimate for the completion of the project is October 2024.

How long do you think these improvements will last once built?

Lord willing, these improvements will support the next decade of ministry and help us fulfill our goal of planting a church in Orange County by 2023.

What will we do once the expansion is complete?

When the expansion is complete, we will host a grand opening and invite the neighborhood and our friends and family to see the facility, experience the life-changing power of the Word of God, and enjoy a catered lunch.


Should I transfer my giving from the general fund to the building fund?

While it may be tempting to transfer your current giving to the building fund*, this could hinder our ability to maintain the day-to-day functions of church ministry. Therefore, we ask that you consider how you could support the building project above and beyond your current offering.

What is the 'right amount' for me to give?

The 'right amount' is the amount God places on your heart to give. Your commitment is a response in worship. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6–7, "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."


Can I set up a recurring donation?

Yes. Log in at and select "Repeating Gift" under the Give option. Be sure to use the designation "Building Fund."**

Can I receive updates about the building project?

Yes, we will provide regular updates on Facebook and Instagram. For the latest news, subscribe to our newsletter.

*The owner has agreed to pay for the elevator and its installation, complete all necessary ADA upgrades to the parking lot and provide us with ten months' free rent to help us offset our costs.

**Please note that the building fund use is not restricted. The Elders will determine how the funds are spent.